Carrollton Advanced Family Dentistry

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Oral Cancer Screening

Oral Cancer is the formation of cancerous cells in any part of the oral cavity. The parts include lips, tongue, salivary glands, oropharynx, uvula, and floor of the mouth. Studies have shown Oral cancer is the 6th deadliest cancer in the world. Therefore it is, highly relevant to diagnose oral cancer before it becomes progressive since treatment for early cancer is not as severe.

Oral cancer can be cured if detected in early stages. You may protect yourself by getting checked for the disease today. Our scientists have already found out the effective measures to test to see if any chances to cause Oral cancer, and are referred to us Oral Cancer Screening. It's an examination to look for signs of cancer or precancerous conditions in your mouth.

Oral cancer screening is a visual and physical exam of the oral cavity and connected tissues performed by a dentist or doctor to look for signs of cancer or precancerous conditions in your mouth.

A dental practitioner suggest the screening test depending upon a person's lifestyles, or if the patient request for the test as a precautionary measure.If found any abnormality with screening test result, you may have to undergo further tests to certify its cancer. These are called diagnostic tests.